Hydro power plants

HPP Boshkov Most
Purchases are realized with three (3) contracts (LOT-s) in accordance with the procedures of EBRD which is financing the project, namely:

    • LOT1 - Construction works - The tender procedure was completed, best bidder was selected. Signing of the contract that requires previous resolution of the additional funding for the project. Legally and formally the procedure for purchase is still pending.
    • LOT3 - Electro equipment - Evaluation Report of the bids was prepared, but due to the above mentioned situation with the additional funding, formal selection of company was not made.
    • LOT4 - Switchyard and plugging to the power system - Prepared tender documentation, but the call has not been published since this activity in accordance with the foreseen dynamics of realization is planned to be realized as the last step in the project. The call will be announced when there will be conditions.
  • Procedure for approval of urban development and planning documents.
  • Prepared report on numerical data about the space of the project in order to: initiate solving property issues.
  • Analysis of variants for connection of HPP Boshkov Most and HPP Spilje 2.
  • Development of strategic assessments of urban documentation for v. Selce and planning and design documentation.
  • Drafting/preparation of additional analyses of compliance with EBRD policies for biodiversity.
  • Development of urban documentation for connection to the power system.
  • Selection procedure for assessment and appraiser.
  • Preparation of techno-economic analysis with new pricing assumptions of HPP Boskov Most.
  • Prepared reports for summer, autumn, winter and spring monitoring of the environment and biodiversity in phase "before construction", according to adopted Action Plan for implementation of measures for environmental protection in accordance with the approved Project SEA. Adopted  Final report of environmental monitoring. Reports are delivered to EBRD.
  • Developed study to assess the impact on aquatic biodiversity.
  • Making a summary of measures to reduce environmental impact.
  • Translation of the SEA project Boskov Most of the English language.
  • Delivered request for extension of the Decision to approve the project implementation.
  • In cooperation with EBRD conducted hydrological measurements in order to validate the hydrological basis for development of the project.
  • Preparation for expropriation of HPP Boskov Most
  • Monitoring of the financial realization of the contract for advisory services concluded with STUCKY and AF Consult.


Revitalization of HPP - Second Phase

  • Monitoring of the financial realization of 12 Contracts.


PAHPP Chebren

  • Within the tender procedure PAHEC Chebren dam and reservoir Orlov Kamen, implemented by the Government Commission for large and small hydro power plant and IFC, prepared a public call for expression of interest. It was announced on 30.01.2014 in the daily news in RM, the Official Gazette of RM  and the website of the MoEPP. The tender procedure for selecting the best bidder is interrupted by an announcement in the Official Gazette of RM number 134 from 09.09.2014, because on schedule it was obtained only one bid did which did not meet the conditions of the tender documentation.

  Dam Lukovo Pole and Intake Korapski vodi

  • Signed Agreement for developing an independent legal opinion on the project.
  • Made a design program for making a major project for 2x35 kV line MHE "Black Stone" - SS 35/10 kV.
  • Made a design program for designing accessible and circuitous routes for Lukovo Pole.
  • Completed financial audit and sent to the World Bank.
  • Received third final report from panel of environmental experts.
  • Finalising the assessment study on environmental impact-SEA and submitting a draft version.
  • Acceptance of the draft final version of an independent legal opinion on the project.
  • Preparation of Project Report. Meetings held with the consultant, panel experts, the World Bank and representatives of JSC ELEM.
  • Preparation of an annex to the original Contract with the consultant.

Vardar Valley

  • Made and updated  pre-feasibility  study of the project Vardar Valley to update prices for construction works, electro equipment, calculations of annual production and updating economic data.
  • In accordance with the Statement of the Government of the Republic Macedonia new Project Task is defined for preparation of new pre-feasibility  study for hydropower use of water potential of the river Vardar.

Upgrade of HPP Shpilje

  • Preparation of a feasibility study, including a study to assess the impact on the environment by making the introductory report, a preliminary report on the assessment of environmental impact and a preliminary version of the tender documents for further geological investigations.
  • Prepared preliminary optimizing analysis.
  • Delivered Time Report.
  • A selection is made on a variant that will be processed to finalization of the feasibility study and preparation and review of reports and other supporting documentation.
  • The selection of a  variant for connection of HPP Shpilje to HPP Boshkov Most.
  • Monitoring of consulting contracts signed with Fichtner for the feasibility study.

Harnessing the waters of HPP Raven to accumulation Kozjak

  • Making information for design for optimum utilization of the waters of HPP Raven to accumulation Kozjak.


Seismic monitoring and seismic activity of the locations of existing and future dams

  • LOT1 : Seismic monitoring of existing dams and locations for new dams in JSC ELEM.
  • LOT2: Seismic activity - induced seismicity of dams Kozjak and Sveta Petka and location Belica.
  • Doing things for seismic monitoring - maintenance and servicing of instruments for registration of earthquakes installed on dams: MAVROVO, Shpilje, Globochica, Kozjak and Sveta Petka and on locations for future dams: Veles, Chebren, Krivolak and Gradec.
  • Doing things for seismic monitoring - induced seismicity of dams Kozjak and Sveta Petka and location Belica.
  • Aligning the necessary technical documentation with the Department of Commerce for posting of PP.

Consulting services in the fields that cover current operations and investment of JSC ELEM

  • Agreements on consultancy services concluded with: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty for Electrical Engineering Skopje and FPTN Shtip for providing consultancy services in the fields that cover current and investment performance of JSC ELEM. Foreseen realization of the Contracts in the period 5.11.2013 to 5.11.2016.
  • Participation in the Working Body for the implementation of the Agreements.

Carried consultancy (professional) services for all phases in the following areas: construction, mechanical engineering, electrical and information technologies and mining. Made: project tasks, project programs, reports, programs for research, field surveys, laboratory tests and other services in accordance with the obligations from the Agreements.




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